Sunday 15 March 2009


After are last two days of filming when are shots were edited we were only happy with the middle parts of the production and the very end. I tried to solve this by re-filming the shots again. The chase scene was in need of changing because it didn’t flow as we would have like and wasn’t as exciting and fast as we had wanted. We didn’t use as many shots as I wanted so this time I decided on low shots, steady cam shots over head shots after climbing a tree. I also feel my new shots will flow much more. The beginning shots of the car driving scene were average but I wanted to film it again because I wanted it to be flow together and I felt the production needed a few establishing shots so having lived in St. Anne’s hill for a while now I knew where to look for these. We took the camera over to a motor way bridge which over looked the hill and the motor way and I filmed a few shots panning right to left slowly and I now feel this helps the production to make much more sense and introduces the following scene really well. I also filmed an old road sing that says St. Anne’s hill road that I will place after the establishing shot.

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