M.Night Shyamalan who has directed and produced such films as The Sixth Sense, Signs and the Village which have all done extremely well in the horror/thiller suspense genre. After seeing the village I realised that it fits under tthe same style as ours with the feild and woody area, the hooded haunting figures that haunt the town members.
Once we had our director we needed to get some well-known actors to act in our film. We made a shortlist for each character and we came up with the following:

Jack Nicholson who had starred in movies such as Batman,The Shining and Psych Out which all could be classified as Horrors or Horror/Thriller movies were he plays the role of the villain or badguy. In Batman he was able to change his appearance and act well as the joker who is a villain, this is why I believe he would be able to pull the outfit and act well as the character keeping in roll well. This is why we casted him for the part of the Monk.

Shia LeBeouf who had starred movies such as Transformers, I Robot and Holes, with the 1st 2 successful thrillers in which he takes roles as the main character. He’s also starred in disturbia which is similar to our film and it that he stars as a boy moving into a new area and is confronted by the task of spying on a man he thinks is a serial killer but gets to close to the investigation and gets himself and his
Mark Wahlberg has starred in such films as Max Payne, the Italian Job and fear (1996) the last of which is a thriller but the rest are action films at fast paces which is why we choose Mark as the actor of the possessed man because it involves fast paced running shots and the jumping scene which he’d be used to.
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